Obtaining a brazilian visa

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In what cases can you apply for a Brazilian visa? What is the most appropriate visa for your situation? What are the eligibility criteria? How long is a visa valid for?

These are questions that our firm and our specialized immigration lawyers in Brazil are committed to answering for you with professionalism and expertise.

As mentioned above, there are a variety of visas that allow individuals to travel to Brazil for work, to invest or to live. As a first step, it is important to define the function and nature of each type of visa in order to help you choose the one that best suits your needs.

Professional visas:

  • Work Visa: this « temporary » visa is valid for 2 years. It can then be transformed into a « permanent » visa after two years of service in the same company and only in cases where the employee has worked at least four consecutive years in the same company.
  • Investor Visa: for all individuals who plan to invest at least $ 150.000R (€ 65,000) in activities generating jobs and income. This visa is valid for 3 years.
  • Permanent visa for the statutory representation of a company: for Presidents, Directors, Administrators, Executives and Managers hired by a company that is investing $ 600.000R (without conditions) or $ 150.000R if it is committed to creating at least ten new jobs within two years after the company begins operation, or after the inauguration of the Director.
  • Visa for for scientific or technological research professionals: for Professors, high level researchers and foreign Scientists hired by public or private Administrations.

Personal visas:

  • Visa for Family Reunion: for individuals in a marriage or PACS with a person of Brazilian nationality or a resident of Brazil (over 21 years old).
  • Visa for a Baby born on Brazilian soil.
  • Visa for Retirees: for foreign retirees who wish to settle in Brazil with one or two dependants. (Proof must be given to the authorities that monthly payments will be made to a Brazilian account in the sum of $ 6000R, and an additional 2000R$ per dependent) can be made.
  • Application for political asylum or refugee assistance.

Please contact us today for advice and comprehensive support in order to acquire your professional and personal visas as soon as possible.